Requirements for Studying Pharmacy in UK

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Studying one of the pharmacy courses in the UK means completing the four-year Master of Pharmacy degree. This is the only qualification that allows students, after a further year of paid pre-registration training and the registration exam, to register as a pharmacist with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSBG). The degree course covers a wide range of sciences: medicinal chemistry (the chemical design and synthesis of drugs), pharmacognosy (drugs that occur naturally - legal and illegal), pharmacology (the actions and uses of medicines and their effects on the body), biochemistry (the chemical processes in the body), pharmaceutics (formulating a drug into a medicine such as a tablet or capsule) and pharmacy practice (which includes dispensing, patient care, hospital visits, pharmacy law and ethics).

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Posted by pratik at 2:56 AM  


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